Saturday, August 15, 2009


What does it really mean for you and me? To have belief of something is to hold something true as you perceive it to be. There have been many sages and spiritual teachers who have told us in many different ways, “As you believe, so shall you receive.” This is the key. In our attempts to grasp the “Secrets” of Success or the “How Tos” of using the Law of Attraction the very foundation of our experience is based on our belief system. If you believe in it, it will work in your life and if you don’t believe in it, it still works in your life but not in complete harmony to your desires and dreams.

What you believe will either limit you or set you free as you experience this wonderful journey we call life. In some cases we may believe something and it may block us from experiencing what we really want and we don’t even know why we believe it. The exciting thing is that if it doesn’t work for us we can choose not to believe it anymore by replacing it with a more supportive idea.

We need to be able to step away from our experience and see which beliefs work for us and which do not. Another very helpful way to look at your beliefs is to have someone else, like a Coach guide and help you really take a look at your belief system to insure that you are living the life you really want. As we begin to really do the work necessary in order to change our lives it’s always helpful to have a helping hand.

I encourage each and everyone who comes across my blog to ask themselves, “What are my beliefs and how are they helping me live the life I want?” “What are my beliefs about money?” Are your beliefs based in lack and poverty or abundance and prosperity? “What are my beliefs about my body?” Are you as healthy as you can be? “What are my beliefs about happiness?” “What are my beliefs about work?” “What are my beliefs about the world and how are they effecting or infecting my life?”

Look at all the areas of your life; Money, Career, Relationships, Family, Health, Spirituality and begin asking yourself, “What do I believe about myself in every category.” Note is it your belief about Money or is it someone else’s that you’ve been taught and accepted as the truth. “Is it helping me or hindering me?” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; “We have the Power to choose for ourselves.” It’s up to you to use it or sit on the sidelines wishing, hoping and praying that things will change. Things can change, it’s up to you, and how you change.

There are many ways to see our experience; we must become aware of the way we see it in order to make the changes necessary to start living the lives we were meant to live. Rewriting our belief system is another chapter in penning the beautiful, joyful, loving, prosperous and adventurous story of our lives.

Here’s to you and your Bestseller of a life story!