Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's a New Day!!

Today and everyday is a new opportunity to change/grow and live our lives in the highest regard, to take a step outside of our comfort zone and push the limits of our reality to realize our dreams. It's necessary. Enjoy the journey! It's a new day!

Yes We Can!

Words that will heal a Nation and help heal the World!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting Out of Our Own Way

Often, throughout the journey of our lives, we find ourselves in places that if we had a choice for a “do over “ or a mulligan we really would take it. These places can be so dark and lonely, so full of stress, so draining on our loved ones, and so straining on our relationships, that one would fathom to call these places Hell.

Someone once said if you are going through Hell don’t stop!! However too often we find ourselves in these places of crisis or extreme discomfort and sometimes we don’t know what else to do except stop. I’m writing to let you all know that this is OK.

The pressure and stress we feel is very natural through the process of growth and change. The interesting part about us as humans is that we have the power of choice, but sometimes we forget that we do. So we unknowingly stay in a place of prolonged stress or suffering. We resist change, and we don’t use choice in order to change the experience. We can definitely get in our own way. We feel stuck and think this is all there is. But just as we can be in a place of resistance (that’s a choice folks) we can also choose to get out of our own way. This happens with the awareness that we have a wealth of options at any given moment and then by simply choosing the better option. There is always something waiting to unfold in our favour.

So today make the choice for what you want and get out of your way by doing what needs to be done. That’s your mulligan: The act of choosing something better. When you crest the plateau make sure you also enjoy the experience of the rise and celebrate it. Your destination must always be in sight, however your focus must remain in the present moment……enjoy the journey to your success.